6 Key Singapore Property Tendencies You Want To Know In 2025

[ad_1] 8 min read Earlier in 2024, we were expecting a more subdued property market for 2025. At the time, it seemed the housing shortage had been resolved, and prices were losing momentum. But the tail end of 2024 created some surprises, with a surge of interested buyers as home loan interest rates fell. On […]

Are Extra Property Cooling Measures Coming to Singapore In 2025?

[ad_1] 2 min read Thanks to a recent newspaper article, many people are asking if new cooling measures have already kicked in.  Which is disappointing for so many reasons, not least being that so few read beyond the headline these days. Some of you may know what I’m referring to: a recent newspaper article which […]

The Shocking Property Offers That Closed On Christmas Day In Singapore

[ad_1] Property Stories 5 min read Does anyone sell their home on Christmas? The answer appears to be yes! Some surprisingly profitable transactions occur on Christmas day, so maybe someone got a gift-wrapped new condo. Not literally, because that would take a lot of wrapping paper. At the risk of confusing Santa with a change […]

Why This ‘Fringe’ Space Is Now A Property Hotspot

[ad_1] Property Picks 7 min read Clementi may be considered a fringe area on paper, but it’s a property hotspot nonetheless. From access to key educational institutes (NUS and the NUS High School of Maths and Science, Nan Hua, and Singapore Polytechnic), to its good mix of greenery and amenities, Clementi is probably one of […]

What Would Occur When We Chill out Property Cooling Measures?

[ad_1] 4 min read Sometimes, a good way to gauge cooling measures is to check who’s doing the opposite. How do we tell if the cooling measures in Singapore are working? Well, the most obvious answer is to check the results in a few months. But here’s another unorthodox way: to look at countries fixing […]